Issue 1: Beyond the Valley of the Sock Monsters!

  • Issue 1: Beyond the Valley of the Sock Monsters!
  • Issue 1: Beyond the Valley of the Sock Monsters!
  • Issue 1: Beyond the Valley of the Sock Monsters!
  • Issue 1: Beyond the Valley of the Sock Monsters!
  • Issue 1: Beyond the Valley of the Sock Monsters!

Have you ever wondered where socks go when they disappear? Axolotl has.
Space Axolotl: Beyond the Valley of the Sock Monsters sees the Galaxy's Smallest Bounty Hunter explode onto the comics scene in printed form for the first time!
Don't miss this opportunity to own the very first in what is set to be a long list of mishaps, disasters and outright catastrophes as the hecking liability blunders his way from one space adventure to the next with his trusty robot chum in tow.

20 pages. Suitable for all ages.
(Well, not necessarily *all* ages... I mean, a baby might try to eat it and THEN where would we be?!)